Ayni applies core Andean Shamanic Practices to align the mental, physical emotional and spiritual Bodies.By working with both your Earth-Walk experiences and interweaving with the mythical to determine the underlying problems, Shamanic Healing is an invitation to live fully present once again.Andean Shamanism is effective when used to heal depression, anxiety, physical and sexual abuse, ancestral curses, karmic conflict resolution, infertility, behavioural patterns, parasitical and entity invasion and general energy imbalances and dis-ease.


At Ayni, we offer a blend of Core Andean Shamanic healing and Mystery teachings, helping you release the life that holds you back by overcoming attachments and resistances. Through the practices of Andean Medicine and guidance from the Universal Laws governing humanity, we enable you to fulfill your desired Earth-walk.

As Master Shamans and Chacarunas, we create a bridge between the physical and non-physical worlds, helping to mitigate the impact of life's negative or difficult experiences.

Andean healing practices have proven to be highly effective as modern healing alternatives. Our aim is to help you feel more energized and regain the clarity necessary to align with your destiny.

NEW FOR 2024

We have partnered with our daughter Ella, a certified Doula, who offers holistic birth work. During your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period, she provides cleansing ceremonies to clear energetic issues from miscarriages and abortions, as well as holistic fertility support and infertility clearings.


One of our Teachers of the Four Winds Society, explains…

It is important to differentiate between healing and curing. Curing is the business of medicine and has to do with eliminating symptoms. A cure will seldom ever result in a healing. Healing is a different concept. Healing works on four levels: the energetic; the mythic (the level of the soul); the psychological, where you can test out new beliefs; and the literal, where you can test out new behaviors, new diets, new yoga practices, new exercise routines.

We all know people who have been cured but who haven’t been healed; they've had the tumor removed or worked through their mother issues, but they haven’t changed their diet or eliminated the stressors of life. Their symptoms will come back—six months, or a year, or six years later.


Here are some of our services. You can see other services via services page and submenu.
Healing techniques to remove sorcery, dark forces, or toxic attack.
Ancestral Healing and Communication.
Clearing karma from past lives.
Cleansing Ceremony  for Miscarriage & Abortion energies.

What is a Master Shaman?

A Master Shaman is one who offers a full and comprehensive healing service, one who is experienced in their field of Shamanic practice and who has been taught in both the physical and non-physical realms. He/She supports you every step of the way on your healing journey. A Master Shaman holds no fear in facing whatever is presented to them; he/she is accustomed to the heaviness attached to wounds and experiences.
Here at Ayni, we term ourselves 'Runnas'. A Runna is a light-being who has incarnated here to help humanity heal and to bring balance and justice.
As you embark on your healing journey, the Shaman and the Client enter a sacred contract together using intention to create a magical space where possibility can enter!


iyanla bivinet ashi au bari

the sacred divine Mothers Iyami

Reading this book will stretch the boundaries of sacred knowledge as you immerse yourself in a primordial ocean of revelations. Our Mothers (Iyami) are the super powerful cosmological Divine Mothers (Super Goddesses), who throughout the annals of history are known by a thousand names. They are the right-hand counsel to the Supreme Creator, an inextricable force of creation who sustain all life. The name Iyami relates to the Yoruba religion of West Africa, yet their expansiveness is worldwide, having been revered throughout the woman’s mysteries since time immemorial. They were present on Earth before humans arrived here. They are considered cosmic, primordial and ancestral, their essence is multi-layered. Throughout history, we find them in roles of great power, counsels to the ruling elite, or as matrilineal High Priestesses. Their aim is to ensure justice, harmony and balance in the inner and outer realms, guaranteeing the survival of not only this planet, but others in the universal eco-system encompassing every being who fights to maintain the light of the Creator. His-story has committed acts of genocide against the Divine Feminine hierarchy in subduing and usurping her station in favour of a materialistic and violent patriarchal system. Any woman who exhibited her innate feminine magical powers became hunted, tortured, killed and labelled as witches. Yet now it is time, more so than ever, for the Divine Feminine Iyami to return and to rise once more here on Earth, as is the birthright for every female alive today and their children’s children.

By Julie Dollman


Whether you are interested in shamanism, becoming a shaman or not this book is captivating. Julie, a modern-day shaman and medicine woman, drawsa from her own experiences and insights to reveal the mysteries behind the term shaman. Not only that but she also helps to reveal the pitfalls of modern living and how you can start the healing process for yourself.

Julies first work has received wonderful reviews on Amazon...

This book gives a huge amount of insight into the practices of a shaman but also into how we live life today as a society and how we can better our living situation and in fact our inner being. There have been come great reviews received on Amazon UK and Com... for this book!

I am a contributing Author in both of these books on Shamanism. Both available on Amazon and other book suppliers.
Iyanla Bivinet Ashi
At Ayni, our priority is to provide a safe environment where you feel free to share your story and release the wounds that have kept you in a cycle of negative expression and repeating patterns. Our intention is to facilitate your body's innate ability to self-heal. As Master Shamans, we are honored to offer unique healing processes and look forward to meeting you. With love and energy.


Undertaking the Path of the Andean Shaman is a truly expressive journey into the self. Via a process of working with the medicine khuyas (stones) and building a mesa (altar). Tapping into the mystical cosmos comprised of living energy which heals you, your family, and your ancestry.
We explore the Shamanic six directions, the elements, and archetypes of Andean Cosmovision. The Walk of the Andean Shaman is truly transformative and builds a deep and profound connection to the natural world, the unseen world and the sacred benign beings who work and guides us co-creativity.
For more details go to the Ayni School of Mystical Andean Shamanism Tab.