Bridging the Ether to gain healing and insights to help you move beyond your current paradigm.



A Remote healing session to reveal a deeper unravelling of your blockage and dis-ease. Accompanied by a report and detailed look at what is impeding your wellness.



An indepth Divination to reveal several aspects: Your current path of Fate including the lessons your need to learn and those which are causing conflict. Along with a reading to reveal your Life Path over the next 12 months.



A Highly evolved divination, revelations from the Divine Mothers is a concise method of divination to unlock your potential to discover a specific direction and focus for you to move forward, channelled from the higher heavens of Iyami.



Whether you require a generalised reading or a much more detailed look at whats happening in your life? I also offer health readings or a reading to answer questions .

In a reading we can determine, Physical Life Events, Matters of the Heart, Underlying Spiritual Issues, The Cause of Pain & Disease, Assist in the Tangled Areas of your Life, and help determine the 'Bigger Picture' to Create New Realities. You will receive a written translation.

The work involved is in co-operation of esteemed guardians and benevolent beings. You will need to provide me with a Date of Birth, Birth Name and Place of Birth.

General Divination

€ 70.00

General Health Reading

€ 70.00

Indepth Reading with questions

€ 100.00

Underlying Circumstances Reading

€ 120.00


Don't allow distance get in the way of your healing

Whether you come to see us in person or we heal you remotely, either way is eminently effective.
The challenges we face in life however can be healed, even if you cannot physically make the appointment to see me.
Shamans can traverse the ether to track the wounds held within your energy field. to discover he aspects which need healing.
A Remote healing session is conducted using energy body transference, bringing your energy body into my sights for both assessment and healing. The process is safe and effective, carried out in sacred space
Remote healing offers either consultations via Skype, Zoom, Whats App or email… You are invited to tell your story including what is not working for you currently.
Please look below at the different pricing options available.
Thanks a lot Julie, I think you have done a great job and I feel my heart and my head lighter and I feel I can reach my goal.. You are such a great person, and you have to power to make people, to make me, really feeling better and I'm so grateful I've found you on my way! I really really thank you a lot and I will certainly let you know when the baby will come! A big big big big hug...


Most of our shamanic services can be conducted remotely, please ask for details

Online consultation, healing and report


This healing session include a deeper look at the underlying issues of your healing needs, via an initial Skype session, followed by a remote healing session and report with ongoing guidance. I will require an up to date full length photo, birth name and date of birth.

What is wrong with me?


When you are unsure of what is not working for you, a Shaman can track to establish the problem, This service is perfect to discover what is blocking you or causing stagnation in your life. It also determines any difficulties which mask the problem. This Payment is for a tracking assessment and a report I will need a full length picture, your full name and date and place of birth, sent prior to the session.

Counsel & Guidence Session


Help,guidance and support to unravel the confusion and difficulties created and perpetuated by life's experiences. Whether it is Practical, Relationship or Spiritual. This 1hr session will provide insights and ongoing practical support. Sessions are carried out via Skype, Zoom or Whats App.


As a Medicine Woman trained in the Andean tradition of Shamanic Practice. I know we sometimes need a little extra power and help from the unseen realms. And for this reason I offer a very special service, called SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY, this service can be carried out in person or remotely.
The reason we create offerings and healing vials or offer prayers is to ask for something to change, release or to invite something into our lives. These magical abilities utilise the powers from the hidden realms to unblock and unravel stagnancy, or for healing & blessings (for weddings & christenings). And to release trapped flows of energy by,shifting the encumbrance.
We are then able to embody our dreams & desires. and to live a wholesome life.
Specific Offerings can also clear-away dark energies and release sorcery & curses. They are perfect to clear negativity from people, homes, land and work-spaces. Indeed a any prayer, vial or offering is a clear and concise request for help, one that is always heard or as an expression of thanks.

Investments & Options

What’s included
General Despacho's

Within each despacho is many different levels & elements. The various elements that comprise the Despacho energetically interact to permit access to portals or bridges from the ordinary to the non-ordinary worlds. When working in ceremony with the Despacho, one is accessing the non-ordinary energetic dimensions, the source of things. Though the contents may have symbolic significance, the Despacho, when performed with the correct intent, transcends the literal and symbolic domains and directly accesses the archetypal and energetic realms


Special Despacho's

Cuti Despacho - release curses and sorcery and other entanglements


Healing Vials

There are many ways to heal the self. Sometimes we need to understand the layers pertaining to a wound or lesson. This is when Healing vials are used, so they can be charged and prayed over, to allow the healing or lesson to unfold itself in a timely manner. Once an assessment has been made via email or skype, the vial will be made and consecrated for your specific needs and posted to you with instructions for use.



Special Prayers, offered and emailed to you to use to clear or ask for something specific. Fertility, health, Jobs, Relationships or healing. You will receive the prayer via email and a 'how to use it'.


More about despacho's

Despachos can be performed for any number of reasons. Among the Andean peoples, the contents of the Despacho are in part determined by its purpose.


To Create balance from an unbalanced area in your life.


A request for healing, protection, blessings & thanks.


To Ask for Guidance on something, Create Good Flow into your life or to Attune to your higher purpose.


A Despacho to request & manifest all of your personal dreams & desires.


For clearing negativity or when moving into a new home. to clear the old and make way with blessings for the new family.


AYA Despacho - Created to honour and to ensure a clear passage for your loved ones as they cross over into the realm of spirit.