The aspects created here contain a Cosmic, Spiritual, Human, and elemental connection. The elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire have consciousness and are sentient. They identify with nature's energies. These temples are a physical existence for the forces of nature.
Apart from Euame Esuake, who are the Primordial Mothers (the 1st Cosmic, Spiritual, Human, and Elemental ancestors) for their soul lessons before their incarnation here on Earth. Euame are present at your destiny, they can influence your experiences here. These Ancient Mothers are important to the guidance of your soul. Their teachings and those of Orisha/Nusta are incorruptible.
The temple shrines exist in the etheric realm and are connected via the physical representation of the created elemental shrines here. They have been created because the world is moving towards a place where we must have more reverence for our Earth & Water Mothers. This is achieved and made possible via the Pachamama Principles, via a personification of making intelligible the mysteries of nature which have existed for hundreds of 1000s of years.
While working with these energies, the communication and response from the forces of nature, offered in the language of understanding the importance of ritual in our lives. This energy of nurturing the associated nature of a specific shrine (The Pre-human existence who lives in the nature it represents). It is two-fold:
1) The relationship via communication and reverence and ritual allows personal healing.
2) Via gratitude and placation, we can work with the energy to help clean up the global human mess, before nature erodes humanity from her belly altogether.


Ritual orchestrates your energy to the energy of the elements, by way of creating a symbiotic relationship for a harmonious arrangement. Western culture is presently suffering from posttraumatic stress syndrome. Incurred from lifetimes past and present of persecution, tyranny and conformity accrued from both church and institutional influence and slavery. Ritual allows us to ground and center ourselves, to feel our bodies and with prayer and thanks, helps make us sane once more while living in an insane world.

Alternative Healers and Seers

As the western culture has adapted ancient healing techniques and priest-like roles. Arrogance and ignorance have become the fore. After completing workshops, classes and reading hundreds of books, our arrogance in thinking we know it all and can summon deity and cure all is apparent and ego driven. This is an important part of our learning. As begin to understand, how to acquire humility as we must admit we do not know it all! And we are all teachable so our ignorance can be overcome. Otherwise, we run a very real risk of hurting someone else. It is only via ritual and ongoing personal work can we become taught by developing a symbiotic relationship to the Cosmic, Spiritual, Human, and elemental connections, including our biological bloodlines.

Creating a Symbiotic Relationship for Wellness

A symbiotic relationship means having a long-term interaction between two or more different organisms. For the human self, this is a necessary understanding to learn to embody all aspects of wellness within us, via the 6 energies below.

There are six dimensions within each of us, which all interact together, knowledge is everything is energy and all energy reacts in creating the whole.

  1. The Bio-physical Body

  2. The emotional body

  3. The Moral Religious or Spiritual body

  4. The Energetic (etheric) self, the energetic template of the biophysical.

  5. The Bloodlines of Ancestors passed.

  6. Cosmic Powers or ruling Deity

Spiritual Cosmic powers govern the Universe, (for example Iyami, The Earth & Water Mothers, and Orisha). If there is an imbalance in one of more of these six times dimensions, we will not be healthy or physically fit. Instead, there is a spiritual derangement between you and your ancestors and your deity. You will not be healthy.

The Ancestors are reborn through the same bloodlines, and they do not want to be born into a dysfunctional family line. To stop this from happening, they will let themselves be known. And this is done in many ways, via illnesses, misfortune, accidents, disharmony, or chaos towards the living ancestor. In the center of the visible and the invisible worlds is a crossroads. The crossroads is a dangerous place to teeter on, why? Because it may represent a location "between the worlds" and, as such, a site where supernatural spirits can be contacted, and paranormal events can take place. Symbolically, it can mean a locality where two realms touch and therefore represents a border land, a place literally "neither here nor there", "betwixt and between”, yet a place filled with unresolved fears and phobias.

Spiritual derangements usually involve putting it right with the ancestors. When spirits demand something they do not take not as an answer. Westerners always want to negotiate their own way and by doing this the result is consequence. Disorders are created by some sort of wrongdoing.

The work and processes of working with the Iyami, Orisha (forces of nature) and the Ancestors offers us the ability and humility of reaching out to the intelligent consciousness who exist as part of our cosmology and atmosphere. In doing this, we move beyond the known and become teachable as we accept…

  • We learn to ask for guidance

  • We learn to call forth intelligent help

  • We divine and placate and show reverence.

  • We apologize for our wrong behavior.

  • We cross the bridge to clean ourselves up, personally and globally.

In return we receive blessings, abundance and gifts pertaining to our evolved nature.

ASHE, AHO Iyanla Bivinet Ashi

Julie & Paul


On your behalf, I can petition, pray, and make offerings to help, move, heal, and clear something. The temple areas here are specially worked with for:

Physical Healing


Clearing Karma

Womens injustice

Injustice & Imbalance

Conflict Resolution

Misfortune & Bad Luck




Vision Quest

Come and spend 4 hours within the gardens. which will bring their own kind of healing and alchemy. Specifically guided via a personal divination to reveal the deep inner work required by you within certain temple spaces. You will be given tools, prayers and offering items to help you do the inner work. With plenty of time for contemplation and inner reflection.

Private Work in the Temple Space

Come and work personally with the temple spaces. Either Guided or free-flowing. You can spend up to 3 hours in the Orisha Gardens and Gardens of the Gods. You can also request me to teach you how to pray, make offerings and how to work specifically with certain temple areas